Recent days, I read a very excellent overview article, which gives us a deep insight about the algorithm and data structure behind MySQL index. Thanks to the author for introducing us about the index mechanism of database system. In this post, I recorded down the key information of the author’s article for further review.

Data Structure Of Index

Index is a kind of data structure, which helps us search specific data efficiently.



  • d: degree, d > 1, maximum number of child node
  • h: height, h > 0, the height of the tree
  • non-leaf node: with n pointers and n-1 keys, d<=n<=2d
  • leaf node: contains at least 1 key and 2 pointers, at most 2d-1 keys and 2d pointers
  • all leaf nodes have the same height, which equals the height of the tree
  • keys have the ascending order within one node
  • keys and pointers are placed alternatively, all the children at which a pointer points should great than the pointer’s left key, and less than the pointer’s right key

Due to the nature of B-Tree, searching data is very intuitive: we start binary search on its root node, return the data if we find it, otherwise we will do the binary search on its children nodes recursively. The average time complexity is O(logN).


  • non-leaf node doesn’t store data, only keys
  • leaf node doesn’t store pointers, only keys and data

Linked B+Tree:

  • every leaf node points to the neighbor leaf node, for the purpose of increasing interval access performance

Why Using B-Trees

The binary search tree or red black tree can also be used as the data structure of the index file, but why we don’t use them in a real database system?

The time is very long when find data from a disk. To reduce the times (frequency) of disk I/O, system will read a nearby data in advance (pre-read), the size of the pre-read data usually equals to integral multiples of page (4k), which is the basic unit of data that is exchanged between RAM and disk.

For B-Tree, finding a key will at most search h (the height of the tree) nodes. And the size of every node equals to one page, therefore loading one node just need one I/O time.

one node -> one page -> one I/O.

In real database system, the d of the B-Tree is very large, that means the h will be very small, for example 3, thus finding a data will at most cost 3 I/O times.

That is the reason why we don’t use red black tree as the data structure of the index file. The height of red black tree is large, that means it needs much more times of disk I/O. The child and parent nodes may not be placed in one physical page, so it can’t take the advantage of the power of pre-read.

Implementation Of MySQL



  • key of leaf node: stores the column data
  • data of leaf node: stores the physical address

non-clustered (非聚集索引), index files are separated from the data file.



  • key of leaf node: stores the primary key of the table
  • data of leaf node: stores the whole rest of the columns of data

It is clustered (聚集索引), the index file for primary key is the data file itself.

The data of leaf node in other non-primary key index file, stores the primary keys in main index file, rather than physical addresses. Therefore, searching data from non-primary key column will firstly search the index file for this column, then the primary key index file.

Please note that:

  • 不建议使用过长的字段作为主键,因为所有辅助索引都引用主索引,过长的主索引会令辅助索引变得过大
  • 不建议使用非单调的字段做主键,它会使B+Tree频繁分裂调整,降低效率,推荐使用自增字段

Index Optimization

Composite Index & Leftmost Prefixing

联合索引 & 最左前缀原理

Index Selectivity & Prefix Index


Index Selectivity = Cardinality / #T

SELECT count(DISTINCT(title))/count(*) AS Selectivity FROM employees.titles;

选择性的取值范围为(0, 1],选择性越高的索引价值越大,这是由B+Tree的性质决定的。选择性低的字段不建议建立索引。


ALTER TABLE employees.employees

ADD INDEX first_name_last_name4 (first_name, last_name(4));

Optimization Of InnoDB’s Primary Key



SQL Joins


[1] MySQL索引背后的数据结构及算法原理: